Festival Catalog (Download)
The Kunstlokal Festival presents artistic positions on the subject of "(Un)Productive Leisure". How do we define female productivity? How do we sell unproductivity? How do we organize valuable free time and at what point does our profession become a hobby?

Five regional and national artists and cultural practitioners respond to the collections and locations of the participating museums and reflect on these in the field of tension between work and leisure. The installative and performative art contributions add new spaces for reflection to the museums and offer the public a surprising and critical examination of social issues.
With the Kunstlokal Festival, we work closely with these museums and position ourselves at the interface of art, commerce and history. We support artistic contributions that explore and reinterpret objects, materials and stories presented in museum collections. We invite artists to engage critically, playfully and speculatively to create new points of connection between the museums and their audiences.

For the festival, the museums make their knowledge and collections available to participating artists and give them the space to present new artworks or projects. A series of events, talks and workshops will accompany the works and invite visitors to participate.

The selected artworks create a reflection on the relevance of museum objects and local collections, and enable the festival to create a unique connection between artistic practice, cultural heritage and the region's self-image.
Impressions of the year 2022
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, fljnc collective, "Spinnerei", (part of a two-day performance and participation project), 2022
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, fljnc collective, "Spinnerei", (part of a two-day performance and participation project), 2022
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, fljnc collective, "Spinnerei", (part of a two-day performance and participation project), 2022
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, art installation by Stefanie Knobel, "Der Einweichraum" (site-specific installation, silicone on cotton), 2022
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, art installation by Stefanie Knobel, "Der Einweichraum" (site-specific installation, silicone on cotton), 2022
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, art installation by Leandra Agazzi, "Care Less" (willow branches, LED, art on building), 2022 and "Map your Thoughts" (willow branches, plaster and LED, on museum window), 2022.
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, Olivia Abächerli, "Zürcher Oberland (A Map)", 2022
Art Local Festival 2022, Children, Program
Art Local Festival 2022, art installation by Lourenço Soares, "fossil_images" (video essay), 2022.
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, art installation by Kira van Eijsden, "QUASIKREATUR (to try and irritate)" (multimedia installation, stocking sculpture), 2022
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, Artist:inside Talk with Celia Längle
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, Finissage, Garage Wetzikon
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, Finissage, Garage Wetzikon
Kunstlokal Festival 2022, Finissage, Garage Wetzikon
Photos: Eugenia Mashenko
With diverse experience in art, design and mediation, our team is committed to networking and promoting art and culture in the Zurich Oberland. Our diverse skills are complemented by our network and the great support of local associations, institutions and the canton.

Through private and public funding we are able to expand our format, inform a larger public about our work and thus contribute to a colorful and vibrant cultural scene in the Zurich Oberland.
Get to know us
Art Local Festival 2022, Team
Photo: Alex Stucki
The Zurich Oberland is home to numerous museums that offer different insights into the region's multi-layered history and significant artifacts. Their collections tell us a lot about ideas of identity, traditions, value systems and technologies that have played a role in the cultural development of the region. From sound machines and children's toys to medieval weapons and spinning mills, a story of communities and industrialization unfolds.
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